— Noted.


The site www.flagstories.co has a fantastic analysis of flags by visual patterns and data — by the agency ferdio.


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Images from ampersandgallerypdx.com

Love these wax pastel drawings by Christoph Ruckhäberle for the first book in a series themed on patterns for Ampersand Editions. Ampersand is selling a deluxe version of the book, which includes an original of one of the drawings.


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From Herb Lester Associates, three little phrase books, sized to fit in the credit card slit in your wallet. Available at shop.herblester.com or on amazon.


I’ve been enjoying Teju Cole’s Instagram feed, especially his series marked with #_thehive. You may know Teju Cole from his books, but he is also a photographer, and an exquisite intersection lies in his New York Times Magazine column “On Photography.”

What I love about his Instagram images and accompanying text, is articulated perfectly by photographer Stephen Shore, excerpted here from Cole’s article, “Serious Play.”

‘‘The conversation you have with a friend you speak with every day is different from one that you have with a friend you speak with once a month or once a year’’ is how Stephen Shore put it in an email. Instagram, he says, ‘‘can have the taste of the more intimate, more perhaps seemingly trivial daily conversation.’’


A few of Cole’s images and captions here:

teju cole 1

_tejucole Kalamazoo, March 2016.

Past 11. Uber arrived three minutes after I called it. It’s something like a five minute drive home. I make small talk with the driver, who’s a middle aged man, not an American accent, but I can’t tell where he’s from. “I have to go a bit slow,” he says. Then, suddenly, I hear another voice: “They’ve put speed traps all along this road now.” What’s he on, speakerphone? I lean forward. There’s someone in the passenger seat.

I get a real fright. “I don’t mean to frighten you, sorry,” the voice says. “It’s St Patrick’s Day. I think it is just safer tonight if I am with him, in case of anyone drunk or something. Not that I have a weapon of anything. But they are less likely to make trouble if we are two.” Then she adds: “I’m his wife.” The streets are clear.
I ask where they are from. I can tell she doesn’t like the question. “I’m from Brooklyn,” she says. Then she softens. “Tunisia. What about you?” I could say Kalamazoo, I suppose, or Brooklyn too. “Ah,” she says. “I’m African, just like you. Africa!” From. What is this word, from? Where were you born? Where do you live? Where do they have to take you in if you have to go?

Her husband is Lebanese. I still think I’m imagining the fact that she was sitting in the car for about three minutes before I knew she was there at all. There in the quiet dark. And then we’ve reached my place.



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_tejucole Delray Beach, March 2016.

Thirty or more buzzards are drifting down, down, down,
over something they have spotted in the swamp,
in circles like stirred-up flakes of sediment
sinking through water.
Smoke from woods-fires filters fine blue solvents.
On stumps and dead trees the charring is like black velvet.

Elizabeth Bishop, “Florida”



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_tejucolePalm Beach, March 2016.

I have photography dreams in which something goes wrong. I have more of these dreams now, in the past few years, because I have been shooting primarily with film. Something happens. Something goes not right.

What happens in dreams happens in life. (This is why it happens in dreams.) Two weeks ago, remember I told you about this, I developed a roll, and it was empty: the film had failed to engage, and I had deceived myself thirty six times. Click, click, click, all the way to the end of the roll, only to find nothing.
When I arrived in Florida a few days ago, I was near the end of a roll. I saw something I wanted to photograph further along at baggage claim, something from the logic of dreams, in which the sea lies just beyond a conveyor belt. So I went there. I was alone. I focused, and made my shot. I took a second shot, to be sure. But then my hands failed me, and I dropped the camera. It clattered to the floor, and the film compartment sprang open, exposing to a flood of airport light the newly-exposed negative.

Motherfucker. I fell to my knees, closed the compartment, wound the film, and removed it. Then I put in a new roll. Click, click, click. Three shots, of the same subject, again, like some cool vengeance or hardheadedness, of which the photo above was the first.



See more here.


A segment from CBS Sunday Morning about a nine-year-old boy with a degenerative eye condition, who is tackling his bucket list of things he wants to see before he goes blind.



Image from www.artsy.net

A fantastic collection of Saul Sternberg images (and those for sale) can be found on artsy.net.



Caught the Greater New York show at PS1, specifically to catch this fantastic collection of objects from Kiosk’s 10 years of curated goods from around the world. This shop makes me think of a different NYC, when soho still had some of its grit, late nights were full of possibilities and this tiny shop was an unexpected find at the top of dark stairs.

The show at PS1 ends March 7, so hurry if you’re in or near NYC. If you can’t make it, the show features each object with a number. To hear a description of the object, you can call 646-693-3590 and enter the number when prompted. You can also text surf to KIOSK.PR.TL and enter the number when prompted.












Photo from nytimes.com

Howard Koslow Dies at 91; Artist Designed Stamps for 40 Years.

“He was a well-known designer, and very prolific, but it is not so much the number of stamps as the time span of more than 40 years, which is very unusual,” said Daniel A. Piazza, the chief curator of philately at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.



Photo from www.newyorknotes.dk

And, related to that last post, a beautiful blog by Rilke Lunau Storm called New York Notes: The Best of New York from a Danish Perspective. Some of my favorites are included (plus ones on my to-do list) with beautiful photography—ready to transport, lure, inspire.


NYC Gifathon from James Curran on Vimeo.

Love these GIFs by James Curran, inspired by a 30-day stay in NYC last November. More detail (and a grid of seeing them altogether) is here.
